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Modernize the Fixed Ops Experience

Reduce your dependency on printing by digitizing your parts and service forms.

Product Description

eSign for Cashiering allows fixed ops staff to accept electronic signatures from their customers, apply them to service forms and archive them digitally in the DMS using an Apple or Microsoft tablet. This allows the dealership to streamline processes by eliminating a messy paper trail and ensuring all documentation is presented properly.

How eSign Can Help Your Dealership:

  • Reduce printing and scanning by electronically signing service forms

  • Easily access documents during factory audits

  • Optimize the customer experience and increase satisfaction

Reduce printing and scanning by electronically signing service forms.

Think about the number of forms you print when you cash your customers out in parts or service and the average number of ROs you close each month. Now associate that number with how much paper and toner used in the fixed ops department alone. eSign takes reams of paper out of the equation.

Easily access documents during factory audits.

eSign prevents your dealership from having to pay to store boxes of forms offsite or scramble to find physical copies of warranty forms, invoices and ROs during events like a factory audit. You can go back at any time and reference a list of signed documents along with an indication of whether the document has been signed and cashiered. This greatly minimizes penalties for missing documentation and unsigned forms.

Optimize the customer experience and increase satisfaction.

Your customers are living in the digital age, and they expect everything to be instantaneous. eSign is a customer-friendly tool that speeds up the cashiering process and gives your customers the streamlined fixed ops experience they’re looking for. Customers only have to sign once, and then tap to apply their signature to other required fields. Their signed forms can then be emailed to them.


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