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A parts system actually built around your workflow

Our new Parts Module simplifies your entire process, allowing you to spend less time fighting with technology and more time selling parts to your customers.

Product Description

Auto/Mate’s Parts Module is designed to manage your parts department’s daily functions and inventory. With user-friendly software actually based on your workflow, this core module helps reduce idle tech time, increase parts sales and lower obsolescence. Our Parts system is much simpler and requires fewer screens than other DMS vendors. But, most importantly, it gives you the functionality you need.

How Parts Can Help Your Dealership:

  • Sell parts faster than ever

  • Take the stress out of core tracking

  • Manage special orders with added flexibility

Sell parts faster than ever

Auto/Mate’s sales and invoicing program makes selling parts to an RO, internally or over the counter a breeze. Aside from selling parts to customers using a list of various pricing models, users can access integrated electronic parts catalogs, be alerted of any superseded parts and view individual parts details. With quick access to a number of different functions, your employees and customers will benefit from this streamlined workflow.

Take the stress out of core tracking

It’s no secret that cores should be one of your parts department’s biggest priorities. The accumulation of non-credited cores can cost you hundreds, or even thousands, every month. That’s why we make the core tracking process automatic, so you don’t drain your gross profit. All dirty cores can be viewed at a glance so you always know how much money you have tied up in pending core credits. Once parts are sold to an RO or over the counter, the clean core charge will automatically bill when there is a core value attached to any specific part. Right-click to credit a dirty core, and you’re done. How’s that for simplicity?

Manage special orders with added flexibility

Don’t let insufficient quantities hold your sales back. Auto/Mate allows you to sell partially receipted special orders while waiting for parts to arrive. Special orders are placed on pending invoices and a list of all open special orders with their status can be viewed. As the parts are receipted, they can be sold to the customer and the new invoice is chained to the original.


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