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Q. How do I use Smart Search to find customers?

A: Smart Search is a new feature that can be used to search for customers using whatever data is convenient to you at the time!

Until recently, your ability to search for customers was limited to entering information in specific fields; for example, name, customer number or phone. The problem is if you searched for someone using a home phone number when that number was attached to the record as a cell number, the search results would not return that name. Similarly, if you misspelled a last name or entered the customer number incorrectly, that record would not be returned in the search results because it wasn’t an exact match.

Smart Search is an intuitive search function that completely changes the way you can search for customers. Now there is a single text field in which a variety of data can be entered. When you enter a phone number, it searches through all customer phone numbers, regardless of whether it’s a cell, home or work number. You can enter a stock number, plate number, VIN, fragment of a VIN, email address…you name it! The search function works in a similar manner to Google. As you type, it interprets what you’re entering and returns suggested results ranked from highest to lowest in probability.


Smart Search even takes the search one step further. Let’s say you type in a phone number and a customer record is returned in the results. Smart Search doesn’t stop there. It continues in a ‘deep dive,’ identifying other information contained in that record such as a VIN number, address or name. After it’s found this additional data, it continues to search other records that contain that same data and return all records that may be related.

This ‘deep dive’ function allows you to identify all records with a probability of being the customer you’re searching for. The search results are displayed in an easy-to-read, graphical format. Any records the system identifies as an exact match are shaded in white, while near matches are shaded in gray. All data in a record that matches the search criteria you’re using is underlined for easy identification.


Smart Search is very flexible, allowing you to search for customers using any data that’s available and convenient to you at the time. You no longer have to select ‘phone’ mode or ‘name’ mode when you search; just start typing and Smart Search will deliver the results you’re looking for!


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