How does your software development team prioritize projects?
At Auto/Mate we are constantly updating our software with new and improved features. Unlike some other dealership management system (DMS) vendors, we don’t charge our customers for new releases to our software. Every existing Auto/Mate customer gets our software updates— at no charge — as they become available.
Additionally, we encourage our customers to give us feedback and ask questions regarding new features and enhancements. Our software development team, aka Dev Team, prioritizes projects based on a number of factors, and one of those factors is how many customers are requesting a new feature. So please don’t be shy about making your requests!
However, with thousands of customers every request has to be prioritized. If you’d like to see your new feature request developed sooner rather than later, there are a couple ways to ensure your voice is heard:
Attend Auto/Mate’s Customer User Summit
Our Dev Team will host a workshop at our national Customer User Summit. This was one of the most popular and well-attended workshops last year, and many of our customers told us they really enjoyed talking face-to-face with the developers. The workshop is designed as a collaborative event for sharing ideas and to let our customers know what the Dev Team is currently working on.
During last year’s workshop, there were a couple instances when a customer asked about a particular software enhancement and several other customers chimed in, agreeing that they’d like to see that feature developed. As a result, the Dev Team assigned a higher priority to that feature request.
So if you have a software feature you’d like to see our Dev Team work on, attend our User Summit! It’s a great learning experience and a lot of fun. Register to attend here:
Call Technical Support
Our Dev Team gets the majority of its enhancement requests from our technical support specialists. Sometimes requests require small fixes that can be done very quickly. If more time is involved, the request gets sent to Auto/Mate’s team of business analysts who prioritize the project based on a number of factors, including cost, time and other resources involved.
Stay Informed
Sometimes our customers ask us for features that we already have! To ensure you have the latest information about all of our software enhancements and updates, be sure you are signed up to receive email communications from our Go Team. Just call 800-371-3970 and ask to talk to someone on the Go Team, or email [email protected]. Include your contact info and ask to be added to the Go Team’s email list.