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by Mike Esposito, President and CEO, Auto/Mate Dealership Systems
I think most people in the auto industry agree, what a great year it’s been! Auto sales are practically at an all-time high. Predictions are that auto sales will remain strong in 2016 and 2017. The holidays are always a great time to reflect, be grateful for your successes, give to those in need and to plan for 2016.
At Auto/Mate it has been fun and gratifying to share in the successes of our dealership customers this year. How do you show your appreciation for your customers? A holiday card or personal email reaching out to everyone who purchased a car from you this year is a great way to let your customers know that you are grateful for their business.
Another way to express your appreciation is to give back to the community. Auto/Mate’s charity of choice every holiday season is Adopt-A-Family. This year our employees went above and beyond with their donations, and our adopted families received an incredible amount of gifts and items they both needed and wanted. Involving employees in a company-wide effort to help less fortunate families really helps to get people into the spirit of the season. Giving does a heart good.
From Auto/Mate’s family to yours, we wish you a joyous holiday season and Happy New Year!